The Best Sealing Oils For Natural Hair

So your wondering can natural oils make a difference, can they help you combat dry, brittle hair and should you use them as a hair sealant?  The answer is YES!! Natural oils can make a huge difference in your hair’s health.  In fact, Naturally Culturred recommends you use them every time you wash and/or co-wash your hair.  

Many natural oils come from plants and are effective at helping your hair retain moisture.  They also provide a host of other benefits. Some notable benefits include protecting your scalp from bacteria, stimulating blood flow in your scalp, preventing clogged hair follicles, and nourishing your scalp with countless vitamins and minerals.

So how do you know which natural oils to choose? We believe that most things deriving from a plant-based source are positive and compatible with your body. We recommend starting with plant based oils and choosing ones that are cold-pressed, organic, and unrefined to get optimal benefits. Keeping that in mind here’s a shortlist of our favorite oils to get you started. 

Argan OIL

Argan Oil is an all-natural moisturizer for both skin and hair. It protects your hair from heat, while conditioning the hair and providing shine. Argan Oil acts similar to the natural oils your scalp produces and refrains from leaving your hair greasy or heavy.  Because of its high fat content (100% good fat), it has the ability to thicken your hair and provide more elasticity. When used over time it’ll help to prevent things like breakage.  


Jojoba Oil is another light oil that imitates the natural sebum your scalp produces. It’s particularly good at moisturizing your hair and is a great oil to use on wash day. As an emollient, it provides a layer on the top of your hair shaft that traps in water and improves hair texture softening the hair, making it more manageable to detangle.


Coconut Oil is the number one oil our founder used during her hair transition. With high porosity hair, she found it to be the only oil that was effective at actually laying raised hair cuticles, and preventing dryness. But that’s not all, it supports hair growth, works as an antiviral for your scalp and protects/ nourishes it.   It adds volume, and shine and prevents protein loss. Many feel Coconut Oil can be drying to the hair and have turned away from using it.  Before you dismiss it entirely, we suggest you try applying it to your hair while it’s still wet  and melting the oil beforehand.  Coconut Oil solidifies in cooler settings and the fatty acids that help nourish your hair release better when it’s melted (be sure to apply heat briefly so that you do not loose its benefits).  This technique should help prevent the drying effect. 


Avocado Oil, similar to Coconut Oil is also one of our favorite oils to use and it is also great for high porosity hair. Both oils have a high-fat content and Avocado’s fatty acids provide rich moisturizing capabilities for the hair shaft. It improves dandruff, protects your hair from sun, chlorine and much moreHere at Naturally Culturred, we love the many benefits this superfood provides to your body as a whole. 

Here’s a task for you if you’re not already doing it now. Next time you wash your hair, coat your hair with one of these natural oils before applying any other products. Do it IMMEDIATELY  after you wash your hair so that the product is applied to very wet hair.  Remember your hair absorbs products and oils best when applied this way. Do this consistently for 6 weeks and keep track of the moisture improvement in your hair. Make sure to leave me a comment on your thoughts, and visit one of our other post on ways to prevent dry hair hereHAPPY MOISTURE!!!

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